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7.5 Documenting therion

To get a deeper understanding of therion you can look at the source code, eventually. A way to browse the code is to open the files with an IDE (Integrated Development Environment), and use the tools it provides. You need to have a development environment for that.
This section describes how to generate HTML documenattion of the therion code, that you can see with any web browser. There are several programs that generate documentation from the source files, using the comments that the programmer wrote in them, and the structure of the coding language. Even if the source files lack the comments, the documentation is rich enough to allow a easier browsing and facilitate the reading of the code.
therion is written with comments for doxygen. This program can be downloaded from . You need first to create a doxygen configuration file. Go into the directory of therion and type
    doxygen -g doxy.cfg
This command creates the file "doxy.cfg". You should edit it, inserting the name of the project ("Therion"), the version number, and the directory for the output of doxygen (you need to create it). Check the various options: in particular you might want doxygen to include the source code (.h and .c/.cxx) in the documentation, as well as all the other informations that can be useful.
Unfortunately terion code is not completely commented. Actually it is barely commented. Therefore, you can tell doxygen not to report "warnings".
When you are done, type
    doxygen doxy.cfg
and, after a few seconds (or tens of seconds), you have the documentation in the output directory that you have specified. Open your web browser on the "index.html" page of that directory.

therion users - Fri Feb 12 06:33:06 2010
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