Any multiresolution analysis gives rise to a wavelet basis. The converse is not true: a wavelet basis does not necessarily come from a multiresolution analysis (Mallat).

Haar wavelet

This is the simplest non-trivial wavelet, g(x) is +1 on [0,1/2] and -1 on [1/2,1] It does not give an unconditional basis in spaces other than L2.

Meyer wavelet

The Meyer wavelet has the support of g^ in |v| in [2/3 π, 8/3 π].

Franklin wavelet

Let Da be the triangle function with support [0,1-|a|], i.e., Da(x)= 1 - |x| / a. Notice that Da=X[0,A] * X[0,A].

Consider the subspace, V0, of L2 spanned by the dilates Da-k. If F belongs to this subspace, F=∑k Fk Da-k, has Fourier transform F^(v) = [sin(π v)/π v]2 mF(v) where mF(v) = ∑ Fk exp(-2 π i k v) is periodic with period 1.

To find the Franklin wavelet we have to find an orthonormal basis of V0. We can write h^ in the above form and the orthonormality condition requires (up to a phase which is set to zero),

mh(v) = { 1 - 2/3 sin2(π v) }-1/2

The wavelet g that minimizes Int (x-1/2)2 |g(x)|2 is,

where |K|=1. g belongs to V1.

Daubechies wavelets

Spline wavelets

Marco Corvi - Page hosted by geocities.com.