When is a curve straight ?

Given a curve as a sequence of pixels C = P[i] for i=0,..,k its displacement is the (euclidean) distance between the endpoints

L{C} = d(P[0], P[k])

Its straightness is

S{C} = L{C} / ( 1 + 1/(k-1)   Sum d(P[i], r) )

where r is the line between the endpoints, and d(P, r) denotes the (euclidean) distance from the point P to r,

r: x = Px[0] + t ( Px[k] - Px[0] )
  y = Py[0] + t ( Py[k] - Py[0] )

that is

(x - Px[0]) (Py[k] - Py[0] ) = (y - Py[0]) (Px[k] - Px[0] )

The distance is

d(P, r) = (1/D) | (Px - Px[0]) (Py[k] - Py[0] ) - (Py - Py[0]) (Px[k] - Px[0] ) |

where D is

D = sqrt( (Px[k] - Px[0] )2 + (Py[k] - Py[0] )2 )


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