MLP Multilayer perceptron (MLP) is a neural network whose nodes are organized into layers. A 3-layer network has the generalization properies of a many layer one, therfore we will consider oa 3-layer network with an "input" layer, a "hidden" layer, and an "output" layer (see figure).

The MLP is a function that maps a N-dimensional input vector to a M-dimensional output vector. The input vector components are fed to the input nodes and the output vector components are read from the output nodes. The MLP can be used for classification and for interpolation problems. As classificator task the output components can represent confidence of belongingto one of M classes. As interpolator the output components represents the coordinate of a point in M-dim space.

For a given input vector I, the output vector O is obtained by propagating the input through the network. The value at the input nodes are determined by the values of the input vector components. The values of the hidden nodes are determined according to

Hj = g( P'j )
 = g( ∑i W'i,j Ii - T'j )

where g(x) is an activation function that is monotonic increasing, and has limits 0 and 1, as x goes to neg. infinity and pos. infinity, respectively. For example, g may be the "sign" function, or the "sigmoid" function (T denotes the temperature: when T goes to 0 the sigmoid tends to the sign function)

g(x) = 1 / ( 1 + exp(-x/T) )

The matrix W' is the weight of the connections between the input and the hidden nodes, and the vector T' are the thresholds. The thresholds can be considered as the 0-row of the weight matrix, corresponding to constant inputs with value -1.

A similar rule is used to propagate the node values from the hidden to the output layer. We denote the linear combination of the hidden values

P"k = ∑j W"j,k Hj - T"k


The MLP needs to be trained on examples consisting of input-output pairs, (I*, O*). The training aims to minimize the error between the network outputs and the training outputs (an alternate point of view consists of minimizing the energy which is just the error):

E = 1/2 ∑k [ Ok - Ok* ]2

where Ok=g(P"k). The weights and the thresholds are changed so that to reduce the error:

dE/dW"j,k = Hj   dE/dP"k
 = Hj ( Ok - Ok* ) g'( P"k )
dE/dT"k = (-1)   dE/dP"k
 = (-1)   ( Ok - Ok*) g'( P"k )

For the connections between the input and the hidden layer we have

dE/dW'i,j = Ii   dE/dP'j
 = Ii   ( ∑k W"j,k dE/dP"k ) g'( P'j )
dE/dT'j = (-1)   ( ∑k W"j,k dE/dP"k ) g'( P'j )

The errors are thus backpropagated through the network.

The training algorithm is therefore

  1. initialize the weights and the thresholds randomly;
  2. given a pair (I*, O*) propagate the input through the network;
  3. compute the error Ok - Ok*;
  4. backpropagate the error (to the hidden layer);
  5. adjust the connections proportionally to the derivatives of the error computed above.

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