The Hausdroff distance is defined on the subsets of a space. Suppose that the space has a distance function d(x,y). This is a symmetric definite positive function defined on the pairs of points of the space:

Exemple of Hausdorff
distance The directed Hausdorff distance from a set A to a set B is (see figure)

h(A,B) = maxa minb d(a,b)

The Hausdorf distance between two sets is

H(A,B) = max { h(A,B), h(B,A) }

For image processing applications is has proven usefulto apply also a slightly different distance, the modified Hausdorff distance,

h'(A,B) = (1/|A|) ∑a minb d(a,b)

This distance takes the average of the single point distances, and decreases the impacts of outliers.

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