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2.1 Therion files

Before we can tackle an example we must discuss the Therion approach. Every run of therion depends on a configuration file, which says what to do and how. The conventional name for this file is thconfig. It can be named as you like, but it is a good idea to include the string "thconfig" in its name (so that xtherion recognizes it as a therion configuration file). Having several different configuration files is convenient when you need to generate different views and output of your data. For example
The configuration file contains
There are two kinds of data files.
Therefore the necessary steps to make a cave map with Therion are:
  1. prepare the survey data files (text editor);
  2. make the drawing data files (map editor of xtherion);
  3. write a suitable configuration file thconfig (in the compiler window of xtherion);
  4. compile everything with xtherion.
If everything goes well, the result is a pdf file that you can view with any pdf viewer. If there are errors, these are shown in the lower part of the compiler window, and you must correct them.
We have seen that Therion relies mainly on three external programs to generate cave maps: cavern, pdfTeX and MetaPost (which uses TeX). Indeed if you browse through the output of the compilation in the lower part of the compiler window, when you have run the test that comes with the distribution, you could noticed the logs of these programs.
xtherion just calls therion. Infact you can compile your cave project without xtherion, by invoking therion from the command prompt. The syntax of the therion command is described in app. 2.c .

2.1.1 Configuration file

The configuration file thconfig contains the data files (with pathnames relative to its directory), listed with the command
It may contain layout definition blocks. For instance,
   layout xvi_export
       scale 1 500
       grid bottom
       grid-size 10 10 10 m
       grid-coords border
The grid command says to draw the grid on the map. The value "bottom" says to put it on the lowest layer so that it does not cover the cave drawing. If instead of "bottom" you write "top" the grid appears over the cave drawing [thexample 6]. The command grid-size defines the grid step, in X, Y and Z (the values must be followed by the units). You can also give the coordinates of the grid origin with the command grid-origin followed by the three coordinates [thbook 40]. The grid-coords command specify whether and where therion should write the coordinate at the grid points. It can take values "off", "border" and "all". For the plan the coordinates East and North are shown. For the elevation and extended elevation the height is shown.
The configuration file contains the commands that say which outputs to create. For example,
   export model -fmt survex
   export map -fmt xvi -layout xvi_export -o file.xvi
   export map -proj extended -fmt xvi -o extended.xvi
   export map -proj plan -o plan.pdf
   export atlas -proj plan -o plan_atlas.pdf
Further details on the syntax of the configuration file are in app. 2.a .

2.1.2 Survey data

The survey data files (extension .th) have a syntax very close to that of survex [1] , but there are a few important difference:
The syntax of therion data files is described in app. 2.b which lists also the commands for the drawings. For the time being you can get by with the following:
Therion has a built-in an earth geomagnetic model, that is automatically used to correct the survey data with the magnetic declination if a supported coordinate system is specified, using the survey date. If you give the declination command, therion uses the value that you provide. The declination command, in the centerline block, can take a value with the units (for example declination 0.53 deg). The -declination option, of the survey command, can take one or more date-value pairs, with the units at the end (for example -declination "2007.01.01 0.5 2008.01.01 1.2 deg"). Finally the command can take an empty string (ie, just -declination ""); in this case the value of the magnetic declination is reset. The figure below show the effect of the magnetic declination (the value has been exagerated).

Magnetic declination correction
Fig. 9. Magnetic declination correction

The survey data file must have a block survey/endsurvey enclosing everything, except the command encoding. Therefore the survey is a container of all other objects. As it can contain also other surveys, it is possible to structure the surveys data (including the data of the drawings) hierarchically. survey is like a directory in a filesystem. Just like a directory it has a name, which is used to refer to the survey. The name of the survey (the ID) is written after the "survey" command on the same line [thbook 12].
survey can contain the command input which includes another data file (a drawing file, or a survey file). The input command can be place either inside a centerline-endcenterline block or ouside it.
   encoding UTF-8
   survey nome -title "cave title"
     centerline -extend left
       title "survey title"
       date 2006.10.26
       team "S. Mudrak" notes 
       team "M. Budaj" clino compass tape
       data normal from to length clino compass
       1 2 4.37 12.5 321
       2 3 12.56 10 276

     input file.th2
The centerline command can be spelled also centreline.
The centerline command in the above example has the option -extend left. This says to draw the extended section from right to left. By default therion draws it from left to right. Alternatively you can write the extend command inline, ie, in the middle of the data lines. If it is followed by "left" or "right", the shots that follow it are drawn as stated in the command. If the extend inline command is followed by "normal" or "reverse" the shots that follow are extended as the shot before the command or in the opposite side, respectively [thbook 16].
There is also extend ignore for shots that should not be used in the computation of the extended elevation. This is useful for loops. It is not a way to have shots unstretched (ie, flattened) in the extended elevation map.
For shots that are across the main passage, and you do want to draw only the vertical displacement in the extended elevation there is extend vertical. Finally there is extend hide for shots that should not appear in the extended elevation at all.
The extend commands should be placed according to the cave sketch drawings. If the cave in the sketch goes to the right and you write extend left in your data the outcome is probably not what you expect.
The command input is used to include another data file. In the above example it includes a drawing data file (extension .th2). If the file has extension .th, this can be omitted [thbook 12].

2.1.3 Drawing data

The file with the data of the drawings (called scraps) are text files with commands for points, lines, areas, symbols, text, etc. These commands are interpreted by therion when you compile the project, to produce input files for MetaPost.
The drawing commands are listed in app. 2.b , and will be described as we go along with therion using sample data.

2.1.4 The examples

Extend ignore command
Magnetic declination

therion users - Thu Mar 24 13:34:23 2011
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