Naso++ apk

Naso++ is an Android app that makes simple to work with the NASO flux datalogger.
NASO is an open source project by Alessandro Vernassa,

Before installing an apk on your Android verify that it has the proper size and md5.
Get the apk from here, and size/md5 from the speleoapks repo
The values should coincide with the values on this page.
Line for Naso++ apks are marked with 'X'.

What's new
1.0.8: code cleanup - italian translation
1.0.6: extracted USB-serial from main app, and minor fixes
1.0.4: try-fix for Android-14
1.0.2: MQ2 response curves
1.0.1: fix for Android-13
1.0.0: First public release

Naso++ v. 1.0.8-34 2024-03-18 290537 B MD5 e82ec05a1b577762bc3cff71d4790594
Naso++ v. 1.0.6-34 2024-03-16 290462 B MD5 5af564c48fed6e59b607027d6d040657
Naso++ v. 1.0.4-34 2024-03-14 286366 B MD5 8d318ceaad5fceb15766b54d5284d857
Naso++ v. 1.0.1-34 2024-03-12 286366 B MD5 d9fcff66c0a5fc937a65e06c88f39352

NASO firmware update

The update of the NASO application can be done uploading a new "sketch hex", ie, Arduino program, using the app arduino-hex-uploader-bin-hex.

  1. Download the firmware hex-file from the list below on the Android
  2. Connect NASO with Android and select "Arduino Hex Upload"
  3. the NASO should appear as a serial device, something like /dev/bus/usb/001/002 followed by "Qinheng CH340". These names have a precise meaning, but this is not important here.
  4. Tapping on the "serial device" opens the "Upload Firmware" window.
  5. With the "BROWSER" button select the hex-file you have downloaded
  6. Leave the upload type to "Standard", and the "Board" to "Arduino Uno"
  7. To start the upload tap the round button on the lower-right with the down-arrow
  8. The app reports the upload progress: wait for the upload to complete.
  9. When it has finished, close the app, and detach the NASO.

This is not the official download point of NASO firmwares.
These FluxyLogger firmwares have been compiled with Arduino IDE from the sources available on
I have no connection with the development of FluxyLogger nor with the Arduino hex uploader app.
By using the app and these firmwares you agree to not hold me responsible for any damage whatsoever to your NASO or Android.

Arduino Hex Uploader
Arduino Hex Uploader

NASO firmwares

v. 1.04